Total Ear Canal Ablation and Lateral Bulla Osteotomy
Right ear before cleaning.
Right ear after cleaning. Note the severe hyperplasia of the ear canal epithelium occluding the horizontal canal.
Left oblique radiographic projections.
Right oblique radiographic projections. The right bulla is subjectively thicker and has increased soft tissue density within its lumen.
Open mouth radiographic projections. The right bulla is subjectively thicker and has increased soft tissue density within its lumen.
Intra-operative photograph: all the diseased hyperplastic epithelium has been removed. Dissection was carried as close to the perichondrium as possible in order to reduce haemorrhage and avoid damage to the nearby neurovascular structures. Gelpi retractors were used to optimize visualization, taking care not to damage the facial nerve.
Wound closure
Picture of the excised ear canal. the ear canal has been open. the epithelial hyperplastic changes affect the entire ear canal
Picture taken 1 months post-operatively. There is no facial asymmetry and both palpebral fissures are the same size. A good cosmetic outcome has been achieved.
Picture taken 1 months post-operatively. There is no facial asymmetry and both palpebral fissures are the same size. A good cosmetic outcome has been achieved.
Pictures taken 1 months post-operatively. Uneventful wound healed