MIO Minimal invasive osteosynthesis. Reduction and stabilization of a comminuted supracondylar humeral fracture with minimal approach and use of a modified type II external skeletal fixator.
MIO Minimal invasive osteosynthesis. Reduction and stabilization of a comminuted supracondylar humeral fracture with minimal approach and use of a modified type II external skeletal fixator.
MIO Minimal invasive osteosynthesis. Reduction and stabilization of a comminuted supracondylar humeral fracture with minimal approach and use of a modified type II external skeletal fixator.
Comminuted open tibial fracture with significant soft-tissue damage
Comminuted open tibial fracture with significant soft-tissue damage
MIO Minimal invasive osteosynthesis. Closed reduction and stabilization of comminuted open tibial fracture with significant soft-tissue damage. Type II external skeletal fixator.
MIO Minimal invasive osteosynthesis. Closed reduction and stabilization of comminuted open tibial fracture with significant soft-tissue damage. Type II external skeletal fixator.