Cleft of the secondary palate in a Labradoodle beginning behind the incisive papilla.
Double-flap technique (Von Langenbeck technique).
Double-flap technique (Von Langenbeck technique).
Double-flap technique (Von Langenbeck technique).
Cleft of the secondary palate in a bulldog puppy beginning behind the incisive papilla.
Overlapping flap technique.
The overlapping flap technique utilizes an axial-pattern flap in the form of a large hinge of tissue raised on three sides, with the hinge attached just lateral to the defect. The flap is rotated on its hinged attachment, taking with it the major palatine and accessory palatine arteries. The overlapping flap is tucked into a deep envelope incision on the opposite side of the defect to allow for sutures to be far from the bony defect. The exposed bone of the donor site will granulate fill with fibrous tissue.
2 weeks post op The donor site filled with granulation tissue.